The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit:

Welcome to the Australian 'RingBearer' Direct Links Page...featuring news and information about the epic trilogy known as "LOTR" as well as the latest link to the "Hobbit Trilogy" based on J.R.R. Tolkiens classic novels...

This page also has direct links to chat rooms, discussions, products and all things associated with LOTR and The Hobbit, to allow fans the opportunity to discuss this fantastic tale. They can be found by clicking either of the two website links below..

any believe Mr Tolkien and the Tolkien estate would be proud to see this classic quest for freedom come to life on the big screen. Just make sure whether your a grandfather and have read the book ..or a young person reading it for the first time...don't miss the final installment in the trilogy:


DECEMBER 17, 2014